Tuesday, July 31

Peas please!

A lot of kids really don't like their vegetables. Jacob doesn't like very many, but he does like peas!! Maybe we can win a onsie for Zachary because of it!!. Apples'n'Oranges is having a contest for a cute onsie! Check it out!

Wednesday, July 25

Wordless Wednesday - Water is Fun!

Monday, July 23

Jacob and Toby!

We had a visit with my brother and his dog Toby yesterday. Jacob LOVES dogs! He is used to a really old chocolate lab at daycare that just lies around and lets the kids lie on him and cuddle. Toby is just 2, but is great with kids. Actually, he really didn't notice Jacob all that much! He is interested more in the adults around. Jacob was able to hug him and pat him and Toby just sits there! :)

99 days to go!!!

So, there are now 99 left before Baby Zachary is due!! I am so excited!

We spent some time on the weekend watching baby videos of Jacob! It brought back all the feelings of what it was like to have such a little guy with us. It was funny to see how much Jacob has changed! You don't notice it as they grow up and get bigger! One of the videos was of the first time giving him solids which was on his 5 month birthday. He still had a bit of jerking and bobbling going on. It was so cute! I can hardly wait for Baby Zachary to get here and go through it all over again!! :)

Wednesday, July 18

Wordless Wednesday - A good book!

Monday, July 16

Another contest!

So, I have found another contest to enter!! It was on the Adventures in Babywearing Blog. This time it is for a $50 gift certificate to Kangaroodle! Also, have a look at Mama Speaks, the latest review blog for moms by moms.

Wednesday, July 11


I am entering my first Linky contest on the Adventures in Babywearing Blog!! It is the The Podonbutai- A Giveaway! The Podonbutai is made by All Natural Mommies.

Wordless Wednesday - Popcicle

16 Weeks Until Jacob is a big brother!

So, I am 24 weeks pregnant today!! I think Jacob is really excited with the prospect of becoming a big brother. He loves kissing my tummy and talking to Baby Zachary. He has even started singing lullabyes to him occasionally!

I think I saw the first glimps of jealosy yesterday... I won some bibs from a Photo Treasure Hunt on the Gliding through Motherhood blog that I go to daily. They came in the mail yesterday! I told Jacob as we went to get the mail that there was probably some mail for Zachary. He seemed excited. He thought it might be cars! :) When he saw what they were and that I was telling him that they were for Baby Zachary, he got this very concerned look on his face and suddenly looked very sad. When Paul took him out of the car, he wimpered and nestled into Daddy's arms. He wasn't happy about the mail for Zachary. It really seemed like jealosy. Hopefully we won't see too much of this. I want Jacob to be excited about the baby and be part of it!

Thursday, July 5

Gardening with Daddy!

I took a couple of photos of Jacob and Paul planting a garden last week! Aren't they cute?!