Monday, August 20

A contest from Apples'n'Oranges!

Apples'n'Oranges is having their first official giveaway after the launch of their new online store. They are giving away a Babes in Black belly onesie. Babes in Black is a company from Toronto and their clothing is all 100% cotton.

Wednesday, August 15

Wordless Wednesday - Toby doing what Toby does best!

Some favourite Jacob quotes!

Jacob watching Daddy on the computer:
Jacob - "Daddy, are you checking your e-mail?"
Paul - "Yes I am, Jacob"
Jacob - "Can I check my e-mail too?"

Jacob and Daddy having a conversation about Uncle Eric's dog.
Paul - "Jacob, is Toby a cat?"
Jacob - "No, Toby is a dog. He's my best friend."

Driving by the park every day when he knows we can't go:
Jacob - "Can I go to the park please? Hahahaha (snickering laugh)"

New Online Clothing Store!!

I just wanted to let everyone know of a brand new online clothing store called Apples'n'Oranges that friends of mine have just launched. They proudly carry Canadian brands only, and feature an original selection of clothing, shoes and accessories for children aged 0-5 years, as well as a few accessories for mom. Please check out their site at and be one of the first to make a purchase if you so please!! :)

Wednesday, August 1

Wordless Wednesday - Cousins