Sorry for being MIA - Sheepy

Much has happened since I last posted! Daddy got and new job downtown, Grandma got sick, more sheep have been added to the family, and most importantly, Jacob got a much needed haircut! He looks sooooo handsome. He is such a little boy these days. Oh my goodness, I almost forgot the biggest thing that has happened since my last post - JACOB CAN WALK!!! He figured out one day and just keeps getting better and better. I am so proud of him!
As I said earlier, Grandma is sick. She has to be in the hospital and we miss her dearly. I want to visit with her soon. Maybe I can go this weekend. Jacob misses her so much. He loves talking to her on the phone.
Doesn't Jacob's haircut look so cute! Mommy says he didn't really like having his hair cut. Can you blame him? Would you trust someone you have never met before to attack your hair with sharp objects??? I didn't think so!