Monday, January 9

My brothers and sisters!

You may not have known this..but i'm not the only Sheepy that lives with Jacob!

We have lots of brothers and sisters too, and they are all Sheep! Some are even Lambs.

Here is a little synopsis on the other members of the family!

  • Bonnie is a white sheep, fairly small, and very musical. She came into Jacob's life a few months after he was born. She does a funny dance whenever she makes music, and she has a pink collar.

  • Carly is Bonnie's twin sister and she joined us not long after. She has the same song but a slightly different pitch. She does a similar dance, though not quiet the same. Also she has a pink collar but its trimmed differently.
  • Ella joined us a few months ago. She sleeps a lot. She is cute, but I don't know what she's always so tired!
  • Gloria is the newest member of our family! At first she came across as shy, but she seems to be one of the few of us who likes to talk just as much, whether she is with mommy, OR daddy! She might sound shy or unsure of herself, but that is OK because she is very cute and she is fitting in just great!
Lambie Nusbaum
  • Lambie is a Sheep of British descent. He was brought to us not long after Jacob was born, by Grandma. He used to have a lot to say (in a rattling kind of voice) a year ago but he's been pretty quiet lately. He is an explorer, and is not home much these days. He occasionally sends postcards telling us about his amazing adventures. Maybe he'll make his own blog one day. I think he has a blue collar but I can't remember 'cause I haven't seen him for awhile.

  • Pascal was very shy at first, but then he started talking and we had a hard time understanding him 'cause of his deep French accent. I think he comes from France. He was also brought to us not long after Jacob was born, by his Bubbie!

  • Russ recently joined us, just after the holiday season. He is a small guy with very long legs. He likes to 'bound' a lot, and he seems to make Jacob laugh

  • Thats me! You already know a bit about me. I tend to be very quiet when mom is not home. I like to sing a lot. My favourite songs are "Hands" and "The Sheepy Song", which daddy used to sing every night when Jacob was in mommy's tummy, and i'd dance on top of him and kiss him good night. Daddy would make up different words every night and sometimes they were OK. Sometimes they were just silly! Anyways, I am mostly a happy sheep. Sometimes I get moody because Jacob is always trying to grab at me or slap me. But I think he just really loves me lots!
..............we have more family members too! I'll tell you about them soon. Check back in a few days!


Blogger Jenn Nusbaum said...

Just because Ella sleeps all the time doesn't mean she should be excluded from the list!! :(


2:16 PM  

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